


Faculty are critical to 推荐最近最火的赌博软件’s educational mission and 学院事务和学院发展办公室 is dedicated to helping you be outstanding educators. 所有教师都可以参加教师发展研讨会和讲习班, 居民, 工作人员, 以及所有大学的学生. 大多数会议提供虚拟或虚拟和真人选项.

所有北州的教师都在教育中扮演着角色. 你的角色可能是导师和教练, 临床教师, 教室的老师, 小组促进者, 实验室里的老师, 或者其他角色. 我们希望您能考虑参加我们的教师教育计划. 日历的链接.



This series of monthly seminars is planned and organized by a committee of interprofessional faculty. 研讨会于每月第四个星期二下午12点至1点通过Zoom举行.


  1. Examine important concepts regarding key topics in biomedical and health care education (hot topics, 患者安全/质量, 团队合作, 健康的社会决定因素, 人文学科)
  2. 分析推荐最近最火的赌博软件教学的最佳实践(研究技能), 教育学, 专业, 沟通, 奖学金, 课程设计, 技术, 模拟)
  3. Collaborate to foster new models of teaching (Faculty scholar’s dinner, other workshop activities)

过去的演讲被存档,可以在推荐最近最火的赌博软件的视频平台Kaltura上看到. 该页将显示为空. Please log in with upstate ID with blue log-in button at top right of page, and it will populate. 存档视频访问.

的 last session of the year (traditionally the Faculty Scholar’s Workshop) is held during the evening of the first Tuesday of June and has traditionally included hands-on workshops, 上州教育创新的亮点, 以及特邀演讲嘉宾.   


的 Office of 教员事务 and 教师发展 encourages all faculty to suggest new ideas for faculty development presentations. 一个选择是提交一个“工具箱”应用程序.

Toolbox sessions are generally offered as 2-3 hour workshops and are arranged based on availability throughout the academic year. 主题是基于教师的兴趣,可能包括跨专业教育, 健康的社会决定因素, 财务管理, 领导能力, 和其他人. 控件查看工具箱应用程序 教师教育发展督导委员会.

我们邀请并欢迎教师申请展示工具箱会议. 请使用 推荐最近最火的赌博软件教师工具箱征求建议书 并向医学博士Ann Botash提交工具箱建议 botasha@felisayslisten.com.


的 上州教育学院 为推荐最近最火的赌博软件的教师教育工作者提供持续的支持, 包括BEST工作坊, 创造性的教育理念,头脑风暴会议和指导指导. Membership in the academy is competitive and interested faculty are welcome to apply through the 提名程序.


博士协助. 托马斯·普尔和托马斯·柯伦, these sessions provide a forum for discussion of published manuscripts relevant to medical education. 小组在每个月的第三个星期一下午12点到1点开会. 杂志俱乐部的文章在讨论前一个月通过电子邮件分发.


的 主动学习与协作 is a peer mentoring group that meets monthly to discuss educational challenges and opportunities, with a focus on integrating new technologies into teaching to enhance active learning and engagement. 看看这个 图书馆指南 获取更多资源.



的 诺顿医学院 enthusiastically supports faculty who volunteer to teach in one or more of our College courses or clerkships. 请与 课程办公室 获取可用的教学机会,如果您不在推荐最近最火的赌博软件工作,请访问我们的 志愿教师 浏览更多信息.


在诺顿医学院,所有的晋升都需要完成一份 教育家组合. 无论你是否在教育方面获得了卓越的提升,都需要这个作品集, 服务, or research and is especially helpful for those considering promotion with excellence in education. We are proud of our emphasis on education and continually work to improve the experiences of our students.


  • 教学活动(授课、课堂、反馈等)
  • 学习者评估
  • 课程或项目开发
  • 指导和建议
  • 教育领导 & 行政行为


无所畏惧的学习者的 诺顿医学院 recognizes learning styles may shift based on learner background, 课程内容, 学习者和教师的目标和目的, 还有其他原因. 正因为如此,我们不断更新医学生的课程. 这需要持续的课程评估和反馈给课程主任和教师, 以及持续的教师发展,以帮助我们的教师学习新的教学技能. Our faculty are committed to increasing active learning and engagement of students in the learning process.

我们希望我们的学习者准备好展示创造性思维和主动性.  Learners are encouraged to recognize t在这里 is always more to learn and to actively participate in the process. 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 created a trademark for the “无所畏惧的学习者” to support our goal to increase opportunities for active learning and engagement of learners.  

We aspire to support learners who are fearless in their approach to learning and are not afraid to ask questions. 

A strong positive learning environment encouraging curiosity and fearlessness in learning includes:

  • 明确对努力和表现的期望
  • 明确的评估
  • 感知材料的重要性(相关性)
  • 对挑战的感知和取得成功的能力
  • 为学习知识和技能做准备的机会
  • 挫折后的鼓励
  • 持之以恒的学习者,采用更新的方法
  • 支持学习者的好奇心


在2022年秋天, 学院事务和学院发展办公室, in collaboration with the United Health Services (UHS) Office of the Designated Institutional Officer (DIO) at the Binghamton Campus, 以及推荐最近最火的赌博软件的ECHO项目, 开始每月赞助, 虚拟, 为临床医生教育工作者提供的免费纵向教师发展计划. 本程序旨在 为实习临床医师教师提供支持.


  • Create a community of preceptors who share knowledge and enthusiasm for teaching medical and health professions students and 居民
  • 增加临床教师在教学中的舒适度和信心
  • 支持临床教师与上州医科大学建立更牢固的关系 
  • 提供一个反思教学理念的机会

All community office as well as hospital-based inpatient and outpatient 临床教师s from all specialties are invited. 讨论的领导者包括宾厄姆顿和锡拉丘兹校区的同事. 提供CME和MOC. 联系 donovake@felisayslisten.com 有关详细信息,.


的 Office of 教员事务 and 教师发展 sponsors a leadership course for mid-career faculty, 每两年提供一次. 的 purpose of the program is to challenge a cohort of mid-career faculty to develop forward thinking programs, 个人和专业领导的目标和技能, 并与推荐最近最火的赌博软件社区建立联系和合作. 

该项目从学年的秋季开始,一直持续到五月. T在这里 are 3, 3-5 hour in person sessions, homework assignments, and synchronous online sessions. 参与者学习项目管理技能, 对个人领导风格进行自我反省, 与同事建立联系, 并制定一个项目计划,由导师和课程教师审查. 


  • 尤其是所有上州医科大学的教员 职业生涯中期的教员(终身教职和
  • non-tenure跟踪) 
  • 开发新项目或现有项目的教员 
  • 教师激励创新和领导增长在上州

下一门课程将于2023年秋季开设. 本课程是纽约州立大学上州医科大学批准的微型证书课程.



教师教育发展督导委员会 meets monthly to review all aspects of faculty development that is facilitated through 学院事务和学院发展办公室.


学生学习成果委员会 (SLOC)致力于加强北州的学习者评估和项目评估系统. SLOC partners with academic degree programs to help maintain and enhance student learning outcomes portfolios and assessment plans. SLOC还支持与这两个领域相关的项目认证工作. SLOC members include representatives from all four colleges and other key administrative personnel. Educators seeking support and/or guidance in learner assessment or program evaluation can contact their college's representative listed 在这里.


推荐最近最火的赌博软件 is committed to improving our mission through interprofessional collaborations and 团队合作. Interprofessional education (IPE) for all learners and across all campuses is supported by the 跨专业教育办公室. This office works with 学院事务和学院发展办公室 to support faculty in creating and sustaining IPE programming and implementing IPE faculty development initiatives.


的 远程学习信息管理与技术系 provides regular workshops and offers support for faculty who need help with distance learning tools such as learning management systems (Blackboard) and video conferencing 技术.


图书馆的 教育工作者的教与学资源 subject guide gives you access to many interesting and varied publications and recommended websites to develop your skills as a medical educator. 最喜欢的是 AM最后一页.

的 SUNY Center for Professional Development offers FREE workshops and seminars throughout the year. 欲了解更多信息和注册,请访问: cpd.纽约州立大学.edu